Sunday, April 28, 2013

Student Inspiration

In these last days of April, I wanted to acknowledge the yin and yang that this month represents for my discipline.  April is National Poetry Month, but it is also the time of year when students in grades 3-8 take their ELA and math New York State exams.  The irony of this is not lost on us English teachers.  This is my attempt to intertwine the two.


I see the courage
I see the courage in each of you
I see the courage in the challenges you all face
I see the courage in the choice you can't erase

You choose to sit
With arms folded
With only your name 
No A, B, C or D
Blank lines stare back at you
Your courage is in your choice to refuse
To not allow these booklets to define
To not allow a number eat away
At the confidence you otherwise display
When not given a time limit

I see the courage
I see the courage in each of you
I see the courage in the challenges you all face
I see the courage in the choice you can't erase

You choose to sit
Pencil in hand
Skimming and guessing
Racing to the word STOP
While you have chosen to play the game
The end result does not matter
For no matter how hard you work
You know in this game the odds are never in your favor

I see the courage
I see the courage in each of you
I see the courage in the challenges you all face
I see the courage in the choice you can't erase

You choose to sit
And work until the end
Determination written all over your face
You know what is at stake
The gauntlet thrown is one you take up proudly
They tell you it won't be easy
Chances are it will reveal more weaknesses than strengths
But you sit to prove them wrong
You bubble in to defend your teacher
To show that you don't need what they are selling
You know better than them
I see the courage
I see the courage in each of you
I see the courage in the challenges you all face
I see the courage in the choice you can't erase

And I am inspired

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